AHA Hyperbarics medical indications

Medical Indications

Medical Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

We are here to provide information about hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), its working mechanisms, indications and safe applications based on clinical evidence. This page explores the fundamental principles of the physiologic effects of HBOT and general information about hyperbaric chambers and hyperbaric therapy, which we added with the intent of raising awareness and provide wider knowledge.


Medical grade HBOT is supervised by a licensed physician

There are certain prerequisites that need to be addressed before HBOT. A hyperbaric physician is required to assess your medical history and your physical condition and to explain the necessary treatment options, hyperbaric procedures and prescribe the medical protocols (number and frequency of sessions, pressure parameters).

The number and frequency of treatments needed is variable on the specific condition that is being treated. The hyperbaric sessions will be scheduled according to a several months calendar and your condition will be monitored constantly for improvements. As with all medical treatments, patients that undergo hyperbaric oxygen therapy should be knowledgeable to all medical risks and possible side-effects.

AHA Knowledge Medicine HM (CE01234)

Where can HBOT treatments performed?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is performed in one of two settings:

  • a mono-place chamber (such as the AHA Hyperbarics inflatable chamber systems)
  • a multi-place chamber

For most indications, according to medical protocols, treatment lasts approximately one hour. Members of a specialized health care team will monitor you and the hyperbaric system throughout your treatment.

You will find hyperbaric facilities in hospitals, hyperbaric clinics and private clinics.



Medical HBOT - Users

Numerous individuals worldwide are experiencing the benefits of HBOT

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is proved to be useful as complementary treatment for patients in need of oxygen supplementation. In certain circumstances, HBOT is the primary treatment modality, whereas in others, it is used as adjunctive treatment to surgical or pharmacologic interventions.

The indications are regularly updated and assessed through scientific consensus conferences and study papers.



AHA Hyperbaric Medical System is effectively being used for several medical purposes and conditions

  • Autism
    Children 2-16 years of age and children with lower initial autism severity have had the most robust improvements.
    Learn more >
  • Cerebrovascular insult (CVI) – Stroke 
    HBOT can reduce and end the degenerative process in stable patients after acute events.
    Learn more >
  • Crush injuries
    HBOT can help with edema and inflammation reduction with good regeneration for patients with chronic wounds.
    Learn more > 
  • Diabetic foot ulcer
    Adjunctive treatment with HBOT facilitates healing of chronic foot ulcers in selected patients with diabetes.
    Learn more >
  • Interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome
    HBOT is a potent treatment for PBS/IC patients resistant to conventional therapy.
    Learn more >
  • Scleral ischemia and melt
    Epithelialization and vascularization of the ischemic areas progresses to complete healing in 10-25 days.
    Learn more > 
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
    HBOT can induce neuroplasticity and significant brain function improvement.
    Learn more > 

We are in constant development to meet the criteria for further medical indications. The list of indications is updated after each completed and certified research, testing and certification.

Some hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments can be covered by medical insurance
Variable terms and conditions may apply according to national or private insurance policies. In most countries, hyperbaric oxygen treatments are considered medical recommendations for several indications and insurance will cover the billing for HBOT sessions.



AHA Hyperbaric Chamber Operator Level 2 (HCO L2)

HBOT is defined as breathing pure oxygen under increased ambient pressure in a hyperbaric chamber.

The reason for these specific conditions is that the amount of a gas (such as oxygen) that is dissolved in a liquid (such as blood) is directly proportional to the concentration of the gas at the surface of the liquid and the ambient pressure of the whole system. The oxygen is inhaled into the lungs and delivered to the blood system.

The blood carries the oxygen throughout our body to help fight bacteria and stimulate the release of substances called growth factors and stem cells, which promote healing. HBOT is known to support healing through multiple synergic mechanisms.

The physiologic effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Lack of oxygen (hypoxia) is one of the most common reasons behind the appearance of numerous illnesses, cell damage and degenerative disease. Any disease that is ischemic (restriction in blood supply to tissues) in nature, or has a concurring edema (tissue or nerve swelling) will see a benefit from HBOT.


The pressure inside the HBOT chamber increases the amount of oxygen our blood can carry (hyperoxia), thus the increase in oxygen levels restores the normal levels of gases in our blood and tissues to promote healing and fight infections.

  • The oxygen delivered at higher pressure increases arterial and tissue oxygen tension to improve cellular oxygen supply by raising the oxygen diffusion gradient, thus having anti-ischemic effect.
  • Higher levels of oxygen in the blood allow for improved oxygen delivery to hypoxic tissues i. e the tissues that do not receive enough oxygen at baseline.
  • Hyperoxygenation (hyperoxia) leads to improved angiogenesis (the formation of collagen matrix), improved micro-circulation and increased cell re-oxygenation to protect tissues from reperfusion injury.
  • Having times of alternating hyperoxia and hypoxia (as occurring during series of HBO treatments) promotes the growth of new blood vessels into the hypoxic tissues, a process known as neovascularization.
  • Hyperoxia enhances the body’s ability to kill certain bacteria.
  • Increased oxygen tension includes several favorable bio-chemical, cellular and physiological effects which make HBOT an effective complementary treatment of multiple syndromes.

AHA Hyperbaric Chamber and user

What are hyperbaric oxygen sessions like?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy means increased ambient pressure inside the hyperbaric chamber and increased inspired oxygen concentration through the oxygen mask. The person inside the AHA inflatable chambers breathes pure oxygen through an oxygen mask.

The pressure in the chamber is increased gradually up to 2 times the ambient pressure (2.0 ATA). Under these conditions, lungs can gather 9.5 times more oxygen than would be possible breathing oxygen at normal air pressure.



Inhale and exhale pure oxygen, perhaps meditate, sleep or read a book

The oxygen is inhaled into the lungs and delivered to the blood system. The blood carries the oxygen throughout our body to help fight bacteria and stimulate the release of substances called growth factors and stem cells, which promote healing.

In order to function normally, tissues need to be supplied with the adequate supply of oxygen. The pressure inside the HBOT chamber increases the amount of oxygen our blood can carry, thus the increase in oxygen levels restores the normal levels of gases in our blood and tissues to promote healing and fight infections.



AHA Hyperbaric Chamber and user

Mechanisms and benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Medical HBOT: Mechanism and benefits

Increased blood and tissue oxygen levels

We inhale larger quantities of oxygen through the circulatory system due to exposure to a high-pressure environment, which allows for more oxygen to be dissolved into the plasma and be distributed to supply all the tissues in our body, especially tissues with poor blood circulation.

Supplemented oxygen levels regenerate damaged cells and prevent further damage. This in turn leads to a quicker systemic recovery for a number of medical indications as part of a complementary treatment.

Medical HBOT: Mechanism and benefits
Blood vessel

Deliver sufficient oxygen to stimulate angiogenesis

Angiogenesis is the growth of new blood vessels, which is crucial for wound healing. It is the emergence of new blood vessels from those that are already there through migration of activated endothelial cells, division of cells, formation of tubes and the development of the neo-capillary net, but the process of its biological action is still unclear.

Angiogenesis is one of the long-term consequences of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Increase or decrease of the number of blood vessels supplying nutrients to tissues means a sequential increase of blood flow to tissues, organs, and bones.

Medical HBOT: Mechanism and benefits

Increase collagen production

Synthesis of collagen depends on how much molecular oxygen is actually available. Accumulation of collagen is restricted by oxygen tension under normal circumstances, and more of it is generated in hyperoxia.

Medical HBOT: Mechanism and benefits

Enhance antibiotic activity

Elevated oxygen pressure increases antibiotic activity, while the elevation of the pressure of oxygen in ischemic tissues enhances activity of certain antibiotic medication. It also extends the duration of post-antibiotic effect, and alters the potential of bacteria for reducing oxidation.

Medical HBOT: Mechanism and benefits

Help patients with severe infections because of the antimicrobial effects of oxygen

Oxygen is inert to some extent in its molecular form; however, it can have a reaction to organic molecules, which leads to the formation of exceptionally reactive intermediaries: reactive oxygen species (ROS) or free radicals.

The formation and build-up of free radicals is the reason for bacteriostatic and bactericidal action of increased oxygen pressure. Those bacteria that have no mechanism to defend against free radicals are generally believed to be more responsive to increased oxygen pressure.

Medical HBOT: Mechanism and benefits

Improve neovascularization and decrease inflammation in chronic wounds

  • Neovascularization or capillary angiogenesis is a supporting, delayed response to hyperbaric oxygen therapy. It denotes enhanced division of fibroblasts and formation of new collagen. It occurs in areas of slow neovascularization as in areas of late radiation tissue damage, refractory osteomyelitis, and soft tissue chronic ulcerations.
  • Leukocytes or white blood cells are the blood cells that are involved in immunity and inflammation. They protect the body from infectious organisms and fight occurring infections. Extensive studies have shown that a drop in oxygen pressure decreases the normal activity of leukocytes, which is restored after pressure of oxygen returns to normal, and enhanced, when the oxygen pressure is elevated. In an environment with less oxygen, the bactericidal activity of leukocytes is also decreased.
  • HBOT can deliver sufficient oxygen to non-healing ischemic wounds to stimulate angiogenesis and further healing by increasing collagen production, growth factor receptor numbers, upregulating the vascular endothelial growth factor, increasing the number of circulation endothelial progenitor cells and improving the neutrophil mediated host defense.
Medical HBOT: Mechanism and benefits

Hyperoxic vasoconstriction

During hyperbaric oxygen treatment, capillary transduction decreases, and this causes a reduction in formation of edema. It helps with treatment of compartment syndrome, as well as cerebral and medullary edema. It takes place in tissues with an excess of oxygen as a safeguard from lesions caused by too much oxygen and therefore diminishes the risk of oxygen toxicity.

Vasoconstriction in a healthy area and maintaining blood flow in the ischemic area helps redistribute blood flow in the area that lacks perfusion.

Unleash the power of HBOT
with innovative turn-key AHA Hyperbaric Medical Systems

AHA Hyperbaric Medical Systems are effectively being used for 7 certified medical indications:

AHA Hyperbaric Medical System is certified according to the European Council Directive concerning medical devices (MDD) 93/42/EEC and produced on the basis of the quality management system for the production of medical products as determined by EN ISO 13485:2016.

Due to their functionality and safe use, AHA Hyperbaric Medical System is the only inflatable hyperbaric chamber in the world that can be used for 7 medical indications: crush injuries, diabetic foot ulcer, post-concussion syndrome, cerebrovascular insult, intestinal cystitis, scleral ischemia and autism (2-16 of age).




AHA Knowledge Medicine HM (CE01234)

AHA Hyperbarics

Invest in one of the safest and credible HBOT solutions

We are one of the few HBOT innovators and educators in the world that can guarantee the highest quality of HBOT technologies and trainings.

Our holistic HBOT solutions include everything you need to be able to deliver truly effective HBOT treatments:



12 features of a highly effective hyperbaric chamber

Learn how to recognize if a hyperbaric system truly generates at least 95% medical-grade oxygen at pressures of at least 1.6 ata and if the manufacturer has indeed obtained all the necessary certificates.

Only a select few manufacturers in the world are capable and have all the necessary certificates for producing hyperbaric systems that are highly efficient and effective. As this technology becomes more popular and widely adopted, there is a risk of being misled by invalid products or improper usage of hyperbaric chambers.


Download your free guide
“How to Identify effective Hyperbaric Chamber”