Put your best foot forward
Diabetic foot ulcer is a breach of the skin, a complication associated with diabetes. There are a couple of different mechanisms that are at play, yet it is considered, generally speaking, an erosion of the skin, which turns into an infection, which leads to breakage of the skin and ultimately, in the case of severe infections, it can cause systemic effects and people are in danger of losing the entire leg.
1 in 4 patients with diabetes will develop a foot ulcer
Diabetes is a chronic (long-lasting) health condition that affects how our body turns food into energy. Most of the food we eat is broken down into sugar (also called glucose) and released into the bloodstream. When the blood sugar goes up, it signals the pancreas to release insulin.
Diabetes is developed when the body can’t produce a normal amount of insulin, or uses the available insulin incorrectly. Insulin controls blood sugar levels; if the levels are too high, blood vessel and/or nerves can be harmed. Research indicates that more than half of foot ulcers become infected, one in five infections require amputation. Despite much effort toward the prevention of amputation in the past decade, the incidence of lower-extremity amputation in such patients continues to rise.
Damage to the blood vessels or nerves can result in a loss of circulation or reduced sensation to the feet, which can make it difficult to detect sores or injuries. Patients eventually lose the pain sensation and infections can aggravate.
Hyperbaric oxygen can enhance healing in wound care, specifically with diabetic foot ulcers

The biggest problem with having a foot ulcer is the fact that skin is our barrier to infection
We live in a world filled with germs, and one way to keep germs away is to maintain intact and healthy skin. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing 100% oxygen at an elevated ambient pressure, usually twice the normal atmospheric pressure. What hyperbaric oxygen therapy does is supply the body with oxygen under high pressure to help heal a wound by increasing blood supply to the affected area. The intense flood of oxygen to the blood can stimulate cell growth, promote the formation of new blood vessels and fight certain infections.
In hypoxic tissues, such as that found in and around problem ulcers, HBOT restores tissue oxygen tension to physiologically normal or higher than normal levels. This enhances fibroblast proliferation, collagen formation and angiogenesis to aid with ulcer healing.

HBOT will increase the number of stem cells, the blood flow and the vasculature to the injured area
What hyperbaric oxygen therapy does is deliver oxygen under pressure through the body, through the lungs, from the plasma through the blood system to the skin in order to allow the skin to go through a normal healing process.
By using hyperbaric oxygen, there’s much less chance of getting a wound infection or experiencing a wound breakdown like having flap loss or skin graft loss, even a tissue expander implant loss.

Good blood flow, reducing or healing infections can lead to good results in wound care
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can work in complex cases where wounds are infected, or wounds don’t heal on their own, they’re not making good progress or not closing down.
HBOT is used for ischemic, infected foot ulcers, yet studies show that it can prove beneficial for patients that have undergone a skin flap surgery or patients that had some kind of reconstruction of a limb with skin flaps or skin grafts because of the intense effect on reducing edema. The swelling (edema) is the result of excess fluid in the tissues. HBOT reduces swelling while flooding the tissues with oxygen.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is documented to enhance the healing potential of ischemic, non-healing, diabetic leg ulcers and can be used as a valuable adjunct to conventional therapy when reconstructive surgery is not possible.
Unleash the power of HBOT
with innovative turn-key AHA Hyperbaric Medical Systems
AHA Hyperbaric Medical Systems is effectively being used for diabetic foot ulcer and 6 other certified medical indications:
AHA Hyperbaric Medical System is certified according to the European Council Directive concerning medical devices (MDD) 93/42/EEC and produced on the basis of the quality management system for the production of medical products as determined by EN ISO 13485:2016.
Due to their functionality and safe use, AHA Hyperbaric Medical System is the only inflatable hyperbaric chamber in the world that can be used for 7 medical indications: crush injuries, diabetic foot ulcer, post-concussion syndrome, cerebrovascular insult, intestinal cystitis, scleral ischemia and autism (2-16 of age).
Invest in one of the safest and credible HBOT solutions
We are one of the few HBOT innovators and educators in the world that can guarantee the highest quality of HBOT technologies and trainings.
Our holistic HBOT solutions include everything you need to be able to deliver truly effective HBOT treatments:
- innovative hyperbaric chambers for medical HBOT
- powerful oxygen concentrator
- elaborated and comprehensive HBOT training & certification programs and
- ongoing customer support
12 features of a highly effective hyperbaric chamber
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