HBOT before and after the surgery

Success Stories, Vitality

Mr. Deadman was undergoing some treatments in AHA Flex chamber before the FIFA World Cup in Russia 2018.

Interestingly, he had experience with HBOT also from the other side – the professional one. He used to work as a chief maxillofacial prosthetist in the UK, where they have introduced the use of titanium implants for patients following cancer surgery. The medical professional team was aware of the fact that they needed to prepare the bone for the implants so they would be in the best possible health condition. At that time HBOT was proposed as an option to patients since they have already successfully treated many patients.

As we know, radiation therapy does a very good thing as it kills cancer cells but it also damages the blood vessels that feed the cells at the same time. Radiation therapy can therefore cause severe complications. HBOT can undoubtedly be very helpful to the patients after they have undergone radiation therapy, as it treats damaged cells and tissues.

Dr. Farris Gulli, medical director at the Hyperbaric Medicine Center at the Beaumont Health System in Michigan explained, that the bladder cancer survivors can often experience bladder problems as a result of high doses of radiation they had received to the pelvis. “In these cases, the lining of the bladder becomes damaged because of the lack of blood flow,” said Dr. Gulli. “The damage can lead to blood in the urine which could require blood transfusions. But with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, we grow new capillaries and the bleeding stops in a significant portion of or patients.”

Mr. Deadman’s testimony of his experience with HBOT in AHA Hyperbarics center

Here are also some useful links and studies regarding the usage of HBOT after radiation therapy, necrotizing soft tissue infections and also about HBOT and cancer:


AHA Flex 20 portable hyperbaric chamber